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Zebra DS3608-DPA/DS3678-DPA Scanner


The Zebra DS3608-DPA is a corded scanner, whilst the DS3678-DPA is a cordless scanner, both are designed to help industrial manufacturers meet their track and trace requirements, without jeopardising "on time every time" delivery goals. These scanners allow workers to capture virtually any direct part mark, as well as 1D/2D and wide 1D barcodes for superior versatility.


These scanners have been designed so they are practically indestructible, making them ideal for punishing environments. They also offer unparalleled ease of management, and with Zebra's EA3600 Network Connect for Automation, the DS3608-DPA and DS3678-DPA connect to your Industrial Ethernet network without third party conversion equipment. These scanners deliver the unstoppable performance you need to maximise workforce productivity, ensure trace-ability, reduce production cycle times and prevent unplanned production line downtime. 

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